Dear Brothers and Sisters! We are in the Three Holy Months, the season of grace and mercy, blessing and benefaction. Inshaallah, we will welcome and enjoy the Lailat al-Mi‘raj on the night that turns Sunday to Monday. May the Almighty Allah (SWT) bestow health, peace, and well-being upon our great...
Program for The Night of Miraj
Program for The Night of Miraj The night of Sunday, February 27, to Monday, February 28, is the Night of Miraj. Endless praise is to our Almighty Lord, who brought us to this blessed night, and peace and blessings are upon our Prophet, whose ummah we are honored to be,...
Tokyo Camii Young Muslim Club Vol. 29 “Let’s go!! Sekigahara ~battle of wekend poets feat. Cafe Kawthar~”
"Let's go!! Sekigahara ~battle of wekend poets feat. Cafe Kawthar~" the title of this online haiku reading party. This month, we will collaborate with Cafe Kawthar, which is active in the Kansai area. We'll read haiku about the seasons and Muslim life in the Ogiri style. Max-relaxed and easy-going...
Honorable Muslims! Our Lord Almighty (swt) states in the Holy Qur’an, “There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often.”[i] In the hadith I have read, our beloved Prophet...
Sohbet – “Human Relations in Islam”
Sohbet - "Human Relations in Islam" A Muslim who has studied in the traditional medrese of the long-lasting capital of ancient empires, which has developed Islamic studies for centuries, gives commentary on 1 topic in Japanese every month. Please feel free to drop in. Sohbet - "Human Relations in Islam"...
Monthly Islamic Discourse by Dr. Almansour【Available on Facebook Live】
Monthly Islamic Discourse by Dr. Almansour You can also participate via live stream on the Tokyo Camii Facebook page. Please feel free to join. March 12(Sat) 13:00 ~ 14:30 Place: Tokyo Camii Annex B1F, Ertugrul Hall Lecturer: Ahmad Almansour (Ph.D., Keio Univ.) Language: Japanese When you participate directly at the venue,...
March’s CLASSIC BOOK CLUB – I, II & III [by Library of Tokyo Camii]
March's CLASSIC BOOK CLUB – I, II & III Our CLASSIC BOOK CLUB is organized by the Library of Tokyo Camii(under preparation), consisting of students and researchers gathering in Tokyo Camii. CLASSIC BOOK CLUB – III Imam Tirmidhi "Syama'il Muhammadiyah" March 5 (Sat) 17:00 ~ 18:00 Online Navigator: Ahmad Hoca Language: Japanese...
Tokyo Camii’s events scheduled for March 2022
Tokyo Camii's events scheduled for March 2022 Please let us announce Tokyo Camii's events scheduled for March 2022. We look forward to your participation. Kids Class and Quran / Islam Class for Kids is fully occupied. We'll announce when new term begins. If you would like to participate in an...
Honorable Muslims! The Messenger of Allah (saw) would live by the sublime religion of Islam himself in the first place, and only then would he communicate it to his Companions. He (saw) would not merely tell about it but demonstrate the niceties of Islam through his behaviors. His Companions would...
The donation campaign had finished. Thank you so much for your support and contributions. Syria has been experiencing one of the greatest human tragedies of the century since 2011, and the situation of Syrians continues to be painful. Türkiye Diyanet Foundation, which has been operating in the region from the...
[Accept International Student 2022-2023:”International Anatolian Imam Hatip High School””International Theology Undergraduate Programs”]
[Accept International Student 2022-2023:"International Anatolian Imam Hatip High School""International Theology Undergraduate Programs"] The "International Anatorian Imam Hatip School", "International Theology Undergraduate" and "International Theology Graduate" programs are operated in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education of Türkiye, Presidency of Religious Affairs and Theology Faculties, Türkiye Diyanet Foundation. Of these,...
Dear Believers! Our sublime religion, Islam, is sent for us to live a life on the right course in a straightforward manner. Our Lord Almighty (swt) commands us to be truthful and honest in our intentions and beliefs, as well as words and behaviors. In addition, Islam never approves lies...
Honorable Muslims! The felicity of the three holy months have bestow upon us, which are our opportunity for mercy and forgiveness as well as affection and barakah. Endless thanks and praise be to our Lord Almighty (swt), who has allowed us to welcome these exceptional days, and salat and salam...
Floral Workshop February 2022 – “Sweet pea Bouquet”
Floral Workshop February 2022 – "Sweet pea Bouquet" Floral Workshop by Ghufron Yazid. In February, let's create a sweet pea bouquet. Beginners are welcome. ⠀ Date: February 27 (Sun) 13:00 ~ Venue: Tokyo Camii Fee: JPY 5,500 Language: Japanese (Occasionally English) Booking: Please fill out the application form (Google form)....
Turkish Handicraft- Embroidery Brooch
Turkish Handicraft- Embroidery Brooch In this workshop, you can learn how to make handmade embroidery brooches that you can use every day. Details of Workshop Date: 26 February, Saturday Time: 15: 00-18: 00 Location: Multipurpose Hall on the 1st floor Participation Fee: 3000 Yen The number of the participants are...
FB Live Available|Tokyo Camii Special Open Lecture in February 2022 “How to deal with sadness in Islam”
"How to deal with sadness in Islam" Islamic believers (Muslims) open the Qur'an when they are struck by unavoidable sadness and anxiety. They believe that words from, above all, the Benevolent Being who embrace the universe and snuggle closer than jugular vein are alive and can gently illuminate seemingly desperate...
Message from Muhammet Rıfat Cinar, Imam of the Tokyo Camii, on the Ragha’ib Night and the Three Months
Message from Muhammet Rıfat Cinar, Imam of the Tokyo Camii, on the Ragha’ib Night and the Three Months Dear Believers! We are excited to reach the spiritual climate of the Three Holy Months once again. Tomorrow is the first day of Rajab that is the herald of Ramadan. The night...
Turkish Cooking Class with Chef Alper
Turkish Cooking Class with Chef Alper 3rd Class: Chickpea Beef Stew Recipe, Turkish Rice, Baklava, Juice and Turkish Black Tea. 1-Demonstration of the Recipes 2-Tasting 19 February, Saturday Time: 13.00-14.30 Location: Tokyo Camii 1st Floor Multi Purpose Hall Participation fee: 2000 Yen Application Deadline: 17 February Contact: [email protected] Application /...
POSTPONED: Tokyo Camii Young Muslim Club Vol. 29 “Bean Makanai Party2 ~The 1st Mighty Bean World Championship Tournament~”
February 12: Unfortunately, this event will be postponed due to the situation. We will announce the new date as soon as it is decided. We are looking forward to seeing you sooner than later inshaAllah. "Bean Makanai Party2 ~The 1st Mighty Bean World Championship Tournament~" February is coming. Setsubun is...
On Release of the PDF version of “クルアーン 日本語読解 [Quran Japanese Comprehension]”
On Release of the PDF version of "クルアーン 日本語読解 [Quran Japanese Comprehension]" Dear beloved brothers, sisters, and friends, We released the 1st PDF version of "クルアーン 日本語読解 [Quran Japanese Comprehension]," which was published by the Tokyo Camii Publishing, on the Tokyo Camii & Diyanet Turkish Culture Center website as follow: 「クルアーン 日本語読解」PDF版 On...