Honorable Muslims! The Almighty Allah (swt) states in the verse I have just recited: “O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.”[i] Prophet Muhammad (saw) says in the hadith I have recited: “A Muslim is he from whose...

【May. 29(Sun)】Turkish and Orient Music Live

Turkish and Orient Music Live We are pleased to announce “Turkish and Orient Music Live” by Tokyo modal music lab will be held at Diyanet Turkish Culture Center, located next to Tokyo Camii. Date:May 29(Sun)open 13:00 ~, start 13:30 ~ Venue:Tokyo Camii Annex B1F, Ertugrul Hall Fee: JPY 4,000 |...

Program for Laylat al-Qadr

From the night of April 27th(Wed) to April 28th(Thu), we will hold a gathering of Laylat al-Qadr at Tokyo Camii. Program for Laylat al-Qadr 20:00~ Isha Prayer, Tarawih, Tasbihat 21:30~ Quran Recitation, Tasbihat, Sermon, and Dua 22:30~ Tasbihat Prayer 00:30~ Tahajjud Prayer 01:30~ Sahur 03:20~ Morning Prayer The prayer hall is open until the time of...

Ramadan Iftar Donations & Sponsorships | イフタールの食事会 寄付・ご支援を募集中です

【イフタールの食事会 寄付・ご支援を募集中です】 おいくらからでも結構です。任意の金額をありがたくお預かりさせていただきます。ご寄付・ご支援をお待ちしております。 問い合わせ:03-5790-0760 [email protected] 【Ramadan Iftar Donations & Sponsorships】 We are grateful to accept any amount of donation. We look forward to your contributions and support. Inquiry: 03-5790-0760 [email protected]

【1443/2023 Ramadan – Zakat ul Fitr/Zakat ul Mal】⠀⠀

1443/2023 Ramadan - Zakat ul Fitr/Zakat ul Mal】⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Tokyo Camii Accepts Zakat ul Fitr/Zakat ul Mal by wire/bank transfer. Fitr is 1,500yen per person.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Mitsubishi UFJ⠀⠀ Yoyogi Uehara 137⠀⠀ Shukyo Hojin Nihon Diyanat Futsuu 001594⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Yuucho⠀⠀ Branch code 018⠀⠀ Shukyo Hojin Nihon Diyanat 10100-96288831 【1443/2023 ラマダン - ザカートゥル・フィトル/ザカートゥル・マールのご案内】⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ 東京ジャーミイではザカートゥル・フィトル/ザカートゥル・マールを口座振り込みにて受け付けています。フィトルはおひとりあたり1,500円です。...

 April’s CLASSIC BOOK CLUB – I, II & III [by Library of Tokyo Camii]

April's CLASSIC BOOK CLUB – I, II & III Our CLASSIC BOOK CLUB is organized by the Library of Tokyo Camii(under preparation), consisting of students and researchers gathering in Tokyo Camii. Please be noted that the schedule has been slightly changed for during April/Ramadan. CLASSIC BOOK CLUB – III Imam Tirmidhi...


TOKYO CAMII RAMADAN PROGRAM 2022/1443 Please let us announce Tokyo Camii's programs scheduled for RAMADAN 2022/1443. We look forward to your participation. Everyday|毎日 17:00~17:45 Quran Recitation|クルアーン読誦 Maghrib (18:00~18:34) Azan for Iftar|イフタールのアザーン Every Tuesday & Thursday|毎週火曜日・木曜日 17:00~17:20 Q&A by Imam|イマームの質疑応答 Every Friday|毎週金曜日 12:45~13:30 Friday Khutbah|金曜礼拝のホトバ Every Sunday|毎週日曜日 16:00~17:00 Ramadan Guest Talk|ラマダンゲストトーク You can watch the program...

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代表者様のお名前|Your given name *
団体の名称|name of group
代表者様のメールアドレス | Your e-mail address *
代表者様の電話番号 | Your phone number *
参加される人数をご記入ください | The number of participants
見学の目的や連絡事項等をご記入ください | Reason of visitation and Requests (if any)
Total price


ATTN: There will be no guided tour on Dec. 30. 31 & Jan. 1 2024.

1 year ago